A student project during my time at Alberta University of the Arts, and an appreciation project for a screening of Jean-Marc Vallée’s films: C.R.A.Z.Y., Dallas Buyers Club, and Wild.

The colours have a sourness and melancholy to match the mood and thematic turmoil of the films. C.R.A.Z.Y. has a magenta hue that recurs in the film and relates to the passion and confusion of youth; Dallas Buyers Club has a washed out yellow that relates to the arid Texas setting and the thirst for health care rights; Wild is a deeper green for the trees and expansive, guiding, natural force of the Pacific Crest Trail. The color palettes are unified in their soft, melancholic discord.
The film title letters are animated to capture the struggles and thresholds of these three beautiful and poignant films:
A spiraling record for the musically-charged and conflicted coming of age film C.R.A.Z.Y.
A toppling pill bottle to represent the tipping point in the struggle for accessible AIDS treatments as depicted in Dallas Buyers Club.
An underdog figure “i” lost in, enduring, and surviving a forest of woes as Cheryl Strayed does in the film Wild.

Patsy Cline (whose song, Crazy features prominently in Vallée's film C.R.A.Z.Y.) was the first female solo artist inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. And Patsy has sold millions more records since her death than she did during her lifetime. Although I did not use her Crazy track for this piece, there is a melancholy of it that inspired and infiltrated my process.

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