Photo credit: Silvio Barbosa from Pexels/ Canva

A vibrant local dance company offering classes and workshops. The dance company’s aim is to attract expressive Calgarians, specifically those wishing to prepare for wedding dances.

Provide clear information about classes. Impressive stock images showcasing happy and stylish couples letting loose to dance. Vibrant and snappy pink as per the company’s brand guidelines, the company logo appearing as a “stamp” on social media posts. I established two options: a full-bleed gorgeous photo variation and a UDC pink frame variation. I was able to adjust dimensions and resize these designs quite easily to translate a single design into the versions required for IG, FB, newsletter and the website. I love the contrast of the snappy pink, dramatic black, and the subtle notes of turquoise, which is an accent color for the Unleashed Dance Company brand.

An integral part of this work was also setting up assets on Canva, to ensure the client had editing capacity after my contract ended and I went on to maternity leave. Adapting to Canva was sometimes counterintuitive to my allegiance to the Adobe programs, but I could also see where it was giving small businesses a chance to do more content creation themselves within the very challenging constraints of 2020/2021.

Photo credit: Isaiah McClean from Unsplash

Photo credit: Marko Zirdum from Pexels/ Canva

Photo credit: Dejan Krstevski from Pexels/ Canva
Photo credit: Dejan Krstevski from Pexels/ Canva
Photo credit: Aykut Kilic from Unsplash
Photo credit: Aykut Kilic from Unsplash
Photo credit: Adobe Stock
Photo credit: Adobe Stock
Photo credit: Adobe Stock
Photo credit: Adobe Stock
Photo credit: Adobe Stock
Photo credit: Adobe Stock
Photo credit: Canva
Photo credit: Canva

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